Policy and Consultation Responses
- Response to ENTSO-E Research & Development & Innovation Roadmap 2024-2034 (Jun, 24)
- Response to ENTSO-E Consultation on the Offshore Network Development Plans (Mar, 24)
- TYNDP 2024 Scenarios Input Parameters (Aug, 23)
- Feedback on ENTSO-E’s Methodology for an Energy System-wide CBA (Feb, 23)
- Open Letter to ENTSO-E on the forthcoming Vision: Integrate more Renewables Now to achieve Net Zero in 2050 (Jul, 2022)
- TYNDP 2022 Consultation Response (Apr, 2021)
- Response to TYNDP Consultations (Feb, 2021)
- Open Letter on ENTSO-E Power System Needs Report (Sep, 2020)
- Response to the proposed Critical Raw Materials Act (Jun, 2023)
- Response to the proposed Net-Zero Industry Act (Jun, 2023)
- Efficient electricity grids are key for a Net-Zero industry and managing demand for Critical Raw Materials (Mar, 2023)
- Important recognition for optimisation of existing electricity grids in new Electricity Market Design Proposal (Mar, 2023)
- Improved funding facilities needed to take Europe to the Net-Zero Age (Feb, 2023)
- Public Consultation: Revision of the EU’s electricity market design (Feb, 2023)
- Trilogue priorities for future-proof investments in the electricity grid (Dec, 2022)
- Rapid implementation of the Digitalisation in Energy Action Plan will be needed to deliver on Fit for 55 and REPowerEU (Nov, 2022)
- Response to the Commission’s consultation on an EU Solar Strategy (Apr, 2022)
- Response to the Commission’s consultation on Renewable Energy Projects – Permit Granting Processes and Power Purchase Agreements 2022 (Apr, 2022)
- Fit for 55 Package: Feedback on European Commission Proposal on amending the Directive on Promotion of Energy from Renewable Sources Energy (Nov, 2021)
- Fit for 55 Package: Feedback on European Commission Proposal on a recast Directive on Energy Efficiency (Nov, 2021)
- Feedback on proposed amendments to the Energy Efficiecy Directive (July, 2021)
- Response on Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) (Mar, 2021)
- Response on Renewable Energy Directive (RED) (Feb, 2021)
- currENT response to the second draft of the German 2037/2045 grid development plan (Nov, 2023)
- Consultation on the Federal Development Plan of the Belgian Transmission System (Jan, 2023)
- Response to Greek Network Development Plan 2023-2032 (Feb/March, 2022)
- Response to ARERA’s Network Development Plan 2021-2031 (Oct, 2021)
- Response on APG’s NDP 2021 – 2031 for Austria (Jul, 2021)
- Response on Portugal NDP 2022 – 2031 (Jun 2021)
- Response on Spain NDP 2021 – 2026 (Apr, 2021)
- Response on Network Development Plan of Germany (2035) (Feb, 2021)
- CurrENT response to the EC’s consultation on the EU energy security architecture (Nov, 2024)
- CurrENT response to ACER amendments proposal to NC HVDC – justification letter (Sep, 2024)
- CurrENT response to ACER amendments proposal to NC HVDC (Sep, 2024)
- CurrENT response to ACER-CEER guiding principles on “smart-gird” performance indicators (Jul, 2024)
- CurrENT response to DG Research and Innovation: R&I challenges and priorities in the areas of clean energy and mobility (Apr, 2024)
- CurrENT response to Florence School of Regulation consultation on Benefit Sharing Scheme (Mar, 2024)
- CurrENT recommendations to Florence School of Regulation and ACER on proposed Benefit Sharing Scheme (Dec, 2023)
- CINEA Survey: Testing of market needs in relation to the EU ETS Innovation Fund and the revision of its legal basis (Mar, 2023)
- Response to ‘Revamping the SET Plan’ call for Evidence (Nov, 2022)
- Public consultation on ACER’s Framework Guidelines on the joint scenarios for electricity and gas network development plans (Nov, 2022)
- Letter of Support for TSO Incentives for Grid Optimisation Technologies (Mar, 2022)
- COP26 Underlines Key Role for Innovative Grid Technologies (Nov, 2021)
- Response to EU Action Plan on Digitalising the Energy Sector (Sep, 2021)
- Response to Ofgem RIIO-2 Draft Determinations Consultation (Sep, 2021)
- Response on the CEER Strategy 2022 – 2025 (Apr, 2021)
- Feedback to the proposed revision of the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive (Mar, 2021)
- Response to ACER Consultation on the EU DSO entity (Jul, 2020)