Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are at the heart of Europe’s energy transition, playing a pivotal role in integrating renewable energy, empowering consumers, and ensuring the resilience of the power grid. As energy demand grows and becomes more decentralized, DSOs have a unique opportunity to act as key enablers of a sustainable future. The Distribution System Operator (DSO) Working Group is dedicated to advancing the adoption of innovative grid technologies at the distribution level to help fully realise the benefits of increased levels of available renewable energy.

How does CurrENT do this?

  • We publish a ‘handbook’ that is updated yearly on ‘Recommendations for the deployment of DSO projects’.
  • We host webinars with DSOs technology providers implementing CurrENT’s members technologies to highlight their proven benefits to the grid
  • We publish papers in expert engineering journals, such as CIRED, highlighting the transformative potential of the deployment of innovative grid technologies

Through cooperation with DSOs and policy makers alike, CurrENT’s DSO working group is geared towards overcoming innovation barriers and promoting the widespread deployment innovative grid technologies at the distribution level.

Interested in taking part in this working group? Sign up to become a member of CurrENT today!