The Incentives and Regulation Working Group aims to cooperate with external organizations and associations to update incentives and regulations, supporting the deployment of innovative grid technologies. 

The current methodology for weighing selection criteria is a big disservice to innovative grid technologies. Despite innovative grid technologies being essential for the mass uptake of renewables and decarbonization, they do not formally fulfil the decarbonization criteria as defined under the selection process of key European funding vehicles, such as the Innovation Fund

The Incentives and Regulation Working Group aims to address the prevailing distortion in incentives at both the TSO and DSO levels, as well as the regulatory hurdles that limit the access to European level funds that could be used to facilitate the deployment of, and support the development of innovative grid technologies.

How does CurrENT do this?

  • Engaging with ACER on updating the criteria for innovative grid technologies to enable accessing European level funds.
  • Providing input on changes in incentives structures to promote the deployment of innovative grid technologies, such as Output-Based Incentive Regulation and Benefit-Sharing models that reward system operators for expanding their toolbox of technologies to save consumers money.
  • Supporting the uptake of SMART grid KPIs to measure whether Europe is on track to deliver the grids needed, such as decreasing the curtailment of renewables or decreasing the cost of grid capacity expansion in EUR per GW-km by engaging with ACER and CEER.

Focusing on four key criteria for grid technologies: increasing utilisation of the existing grid, supporting the deployment of new transmission and distribution technologies with ten times the transfer capacity of the currently best-in-class technologies, decreasing the end cost to the consumer, and safeguarding grid reliability, the Incentives and Regulation working group aims to promote financial and regulatory incentives that can increase the deployment of innovative grid technologies.

Interested in taking part in this working group? Sign up to become a member of CurrENT!