Our Working Groups allow CurrENT members to pool their expertise and work together to address key challenges and highlight opportunities in advancing Europe’s energy transition.

Each group works on critical areas to facilitate the widescale deployment of innovative grid technologies. This includes engaging with and focusing on challenges specific to Distribution System Operators (DSOs), fostering performance-based regulations that promote the deployment of innovative grid technologies, and contributing to improving the modelling used to design future grids.

Together, these efforts contribute to CurrENT’s mission to enable the decarbonisation of Europe’s electricity gird through accelerating the adoption of innovative grid technologies.

The DSO Working Group

Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are at the heart of Europe’s energy transition, playing a pivotal role in integrating renewable energy, empowering consumers, and ensuring the resilience of the power grid. As energy demand grows and becomes more decentralized, DSOs have...

Modelling and Scenarios Working Group

The Modelling and Scenarios Working Group delivers insights to support the evolution of energy grids and the deployment of innovative grid technologies. Current models, while valuable, often face limitations in fully capturing the transformative potential of these technologies. Our mission...

Incentives and Regulation Working Group

The Incentives and Regulation Working Group aims to cooperate with external organizations and associations to update incentives and regulations, supporting the deployment of innovative grid technologies. The current methodology for weighing selection criteria is a big disservice to innovative grid...