Conclusions | The super NOVA principle: a practical guide to an efficient electricity grid

On the 13th of December 2022 currENT hosted an event to discuss ‘The super NOVA principle: a practical guide to an efficient electricity grid’ During this webinar currENT, the voice of innovative grid technologies in Europe presented the NOVA principle (optimisation ahead of reinforcement, ahead of expansion), and demonstrated how innovative grid technologies can help successfully optimise and reinforce the […]

Conclusions | Webinar Fit for 55 in a context of crisis, unpredictability, and urgency

On the 20th of October 2022, 11.30-12.30 currENT hosted an event to discuss the Fit for 55 in the context of crisis, unpredictability, and urgency and What to expect from the next round of NECPs, the digitalisation in energy action plan and new technology solutions? During this webinar currENT, the voice of innovative grid technologies […]

Conclusions | Supporting investments for a more digitalised electricity grid – EUSEW

“We need strong investment signals for grid operators to invest in innovative grid technologies that can increase grid capacity in the next 1-2 years” This was the statement issued by the Secretary General of currENT Europe, Layla Sawyer, during currENT’s participation in a EUSEW panel, titled “Supporting investments for a more digitalised electricity grid”. This […]

Conclusions | Smartening our energy grids at the 3rd PCI Energy Days

On 19/20 September 2022, currENT participated in the 3rd edition of the PCI Energy Days, a policy conference dedicated to the practical implementation of the Projects of Common Interest. Layla Sawyer, Secretary General of currENT, was invited to contribute to the panel discussion on ‘Smartening our energy grids’. During the panel, currENT Europe highlighted the […]

Conclusions | Webinar Superconductors for Power Transmission: Beyond the age of copper

On 7 July 2022, 13.30-15.00 currENT hosted an event to discuss the exciting opportunities that superconductivity offers in revolutionising how Europe connects its renewable generation to the grid. This webinar will introduce the incredible technology that is superconducting cable systems for electricity transmission.  Leading representatives from the superconductor industry, research as well as ENTSO-E and […]

Conclusions | Nordics webinar

On the 7th of June 2022, currENT discussed the challenges and opportunities in managing the Green Transition in the Nordic Region, and how innovative solutions can contribute to this by increasing the available grid capacity and using it as efficiently as possible. Leading representatives from ACER, Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate, Fingrid, Caruna and THEMA Consulting presented their views, followed […]

Conclusions | Italy’s Power Network towards a Zero Emissions future Webinar

On the 17th of February 2022, currENT hosted an event on the challenges for achieving Italy’s ambitious energy targets and the possible innovative solutions that can accelerate progress towards zero emissions by 2050.   High-level representatives from Terna, Arera, the Florence School of Regulation, ARETI, the European Commission, ACER, Consentec and smart technology companies discussed challenges […]

Conclusions | Launch of the Consentec Study webinar

Thank you for joining us on the 8th of December 2021 when currENT, together with Consentec, published and presented a new study on how innovative grid technologies can reduce network congestion and contribute to Europe’s Fit for 55 targets. Almost 200 participants registered for the discussion on the day. The webinar was the official launch of the Consentec study, […]

Conclusions | Spain’s Power Network towards a Zero Emissions future Webinar

Conclusions I Spain’s Power Network towards a Zero Emissions future: The Role of the Grid and Innovative Technologies On the 18th of November 2021, 13.00-14.30 CET, currENT and Olivo Energy hosted a webinar to discuss the challenges for achieving Spain’s ambitious energy targets and the possible innovative solutions that can accelerate progress towards zero emissions by 2050. Over 140 […]

Conclusions | EUSEW 2021 Policy Conference Session

On the 27th of October currENT hosted a session at the EUSEW 2021 Policy Conference where we discussed how to achieve climate neutrality through grid enhancing technologies. Over 130 participants from across Europe joined our discussion on the day.   The European Union’s Sustainable Energy Week is the most significant event dedicated to renewables and efficient […]