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Clean Industrial Deal Launch

Clean Industrial Deal and Affordable Energy Action Plan commit to accelerate innovation in electricity grids

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CurrENT publication on deploying innovative grid technologies at the distribution level 

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title slide - Unleasing full potential of Europe's electricity grid -

Unleashing the full potential of Europe’s electricity grids: Policy Recommendations for a Clean Industrial Deal and a Competitive Europe

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Joint Statement calling for Distribution Grids to be the center of attention of the European agenda for the next five years with DSO Entity and 15 European Energy Associations

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Innovative Grid Technologies for sustainable energy security in Ukraine and beyond – Online Webinar

belgian presidency

Energy Council lays out bold steps needed for future electricity grids


Joint Statement on the inclusion of Smart Grid Indicators in the Conclusions of the Energy Council with T&D Europe, ESMIG, and smartEn


Joint Statement: Europe’s grid technology industry highlights need for urgent action on Europe’s electricity networks

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First edition released today: Recommendations for DSO deployment

Squared social media cards intern position

currENT is looking for a policy officer


currENT recommendations to deliver on electricity grids

EU Climate Target for 2040

currENT input to EU 2040 Climate Target

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Efficient electricity grids are key for a Net-Zero Industry and managing demand for Critical Raw Materials 


Important recognition for optimisation of existing grids in new Electricity Market Design