CurrENT is dedicated to advancing policies that can unleash the full potential of innovative grid technologies, ensuring Europe’s electricity grids are resilient, efficient, and fit for a net-zero future.

Explore our insights and proposals, designed to support policymakers, regulators, and industry stakeholders in building a competitive and sustainable European energy system.

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Consultation response

CurrENT response to the call for evidence of the EU Start-up and Scale-up Strategy

Consultation response

CurrENT response to ENTSO-E consultation on TYNDP 2024


Clean Industrial Deal and Affordable Energy Action Plan commit to accelerate innovation in electricity grids

Consultation response

CurrENT response to the EC’s consultation on primarily used components under NZIA


Recommendations for the deployment of DSO projects – Second Edition

Policy response

CurrENT’s response to the European Commission’s Competitiveness Compass


CurrENT’s policy recommendations for a Clean Industrial Deal and a Competitive Europe

Consultation response

CurrENT response to the EC’s consultation on the EU energy security architecture

Consultation response

CurrENT response to ACER amendments proposal to NC HVDC – justification letter

Consultation response

CurrENT response to ACER-CEER guiding principles on “smart-gird” performance indicators

Consultation response

Response to ENTSO-E Research & Development & Innovation Roadmap 2024-2034

Publication, Report

Prospects for innovative power grid technologies